Summer Semester ’20

I’ve been chipping away at this degree by taking classes at as many available opportunities that I can fit. This summer has been no different. It is a compressed semester (just as much work in half the amount of time as the normal fall and spring semesters, whatever “normal” means nowadays of course). This summer has been a digital solid modeling class, which is a sort of review for me of a CAD software package I used to use many years ago: SolidWorks. Which is a super rad modeling application, it has changed a good deal in the nineteen year gap since I had last used it professionally. 

The other class is an ergonomics class, Human Centered Design; probably one of the more academic classes I’ve taken in a while, (i.e. reading and writing). It was good preparation to have already read most of the required texts prior to this semester, but reading Don Norman’s Design of Everyday Things again is never a chore, it’s a great book. The other textbook on the other hand is pretty weighty. R.S. Bridger’s Introduction to Ergonomics. Amazing breakdown of the subject, and of the chapters we’ve covered so far, fascinating analysis of how the human body functions in a workspace.

I thought it might be an interesting experiment to share some of the work I’ve been producing from these classes, specifically the Human Centered Design class that I have been really enjoying. I’ll post here a number of the papers I’ve written, some of which are just the “ergonomic diaries” that we began the semester writing. I look forward to people’s feedback and perspective on them, so you get to read and write as well if you’re up for it! 


Ergonomics Diary 1

